Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world
Two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by 70 years of age.
Over 1,000 are treated for skin cancer every day in Australia
1,830 Australians die from skin cancer each year
Skin cancers are detectable and early treatment results in a better outcome that most other cancers
Skin Cancer Screening Clinics are one of our many new clinics being held at Southen Forests Medical Centre. Several of our GPs have now completed accredited courses and conduct weekly clinics.
An appointment can be booked without a referral usually within 1-2 weeks. The examination is undertaken in a systematic way and involves assessing the entire skin. You will be required to undress to underwear and we request you do not wear makeup as this can obscure the appearance of potentially cancerous spots. When you arrive at reception, you will be asked to complete a skin assessment form. This is important as it highlights to the doctor any significant family history and previous skin spots removed. Also please indicate which skin lesions (if any) are new or concerning. This will allow the doctor to provide a more focussed evaluation.
The doctor’s appointment will take about 15 minutes. A skin examination is when a doctor examines your skin under bright lights using a magnifying device and it is painless. If a skin spot or lesion of concern is detected, then the doctor will explain all the options available to you which may include removing the spot at a later appointment.
The cost of the screening is the same as a short consultation. Part of this fee can be claimed through Medicare.
Knowing your skin and recognising any change is shape, size or colour of spots, moles or freckles are important.
At the first sign of change, please consult with a doctor.