Southern Forests Medical Centre offers an extremely comprehensive medical assessment for companies seeking the highest level of health analysis for members of their workforce. This medical assessment is very involved and has a number of parts to the process. There is a very thorough history including screening tests for specific health concerns such as depression and sleep apnoea. This is followed by a comprehensive physical examination. There is pathology based tests to screen for a variety of health concerns. We can also incorporate a variety of additional tests such as spirometry, ECGs, audiology, full fitness capacity analysis and in depth psychological evaluation. In addition, we can arrange exercise ECGs or stress tests for patients with heart disease risk and CXRs or low dose CTs to screen for lung cancer in at risk patients. The essential idea is to provide the most in depth personal health analysis available.
This service is provided by our comprehensive team of Doctors (local GPs), Nurses and an Exercise Physiologist. The majority of the executive medical can be performed at our surgery at the one visit. Feedback from the medical is provided on the day with a hard copy report to follow. Recommendations and advice are provided but specific management and follow-up should be handled by the patients regular GP. Health of the executive team in any business is highly important and being proactive can really make a difference.